Saturday, May 16, 2020

20 Bugs

1. The drive-thru at starbucks on 13th street is always backed out on the street in the morning during my commute to work.
- This bug exists because starbuck's drive thru is too short for the amount of customers they are receiving.
Starbuck's should have built a more efficient drive-thru.
2. My favorite belt bugs me because there is a screw that keeps coming loose on the clamp/buckle.
- This bug exists due to poor execution on the manufacturer's part.
I have to fix the screw every few weeks after consistent wearing of the belt.
3. I recently had to replace a clutch in my car, and due to the fact it's "new" and uses a hydraulic clutch system, it costs me more money to fix than the usual repair.
- Why are "new" and "improved" clutches going bad? It's not my driving....
New car parts should be more reliable than older parts.
4. My laptop is about 5 years old now and getting slower and slower. There should be a way to just factory reset this thing and get it back up to speed.
- Manufacturer's need it go bad at some point so I am forced to buy a new one for their profits.
5. I am still rocking the iPhone 7S and it's terrible. My apps close when i am looking at something and my camera quality keeps getting worse.
Why is my phone glitching all of the time?
- I think Apple is tampering with the old models so I buy a new one.
6. My toothbrush goes bad in like two weeks?
- I probably brush aggresively but a toothbrush should last longer.
7. Getting paper mail is outdated.
- Direct mail advertising is obviously not working and businesses should recognize it.
8. Self-check out is more work for me as a customer than actually having someone ring up my groceries.
- I think businesses are just looking to save labor cost with self-checkout, but probably lose even more money from people who steal items in self-checkout.
9. Putting toothpaste on my toothbrush is a ton of work.
- Why haven't I bought an automatic toothpaste dispenser yet?
This would be much more convenient in the mornings.
10. I hate how larges for shirts in some brands fit differently than larges in other brands.
- Why isn't there some universal fitting mechanism?
Probably because people have different body types.
11. I have a TV where sometimes I turn it on, it shows a purple screen. I turn it off and turn it back on and it works everytime.
- I don't know why this bug exists.
12. In my car, sometimes the tire pressure light turns on and turns back off.
- It seems inconsistent and my tires seem to be fine even though I haven't checked my tire pressure yet.
13. I have to pay more for car insurance because I am under the age of 25.
- my car insurance is expensive because I was rear-ended and my insurance company punished me for "being in the way".
Insurance companies are frauds.
14. I have to keep fixing one of the doorhenges on my bathroom door.
- I don't understand why the screw keeps coming out.
I am probably slamming the door without realizing it.
15. My room is the hottest room in my apartment.
- Why doesn't the cold air flow evenly throughout all of the rooms?
My apartment was built in the 2000s and the aging of the building is probably to blame.
16. I have an older stove top, and one of the burners sometimes stops working in the middle of me cooking something.
- Why does this happen?
Probably a wiring issue.
17. My girlfriend complains she needs to get her nails done like every two weeks.
- why doesn't the nail polish stay on longer?
Newer nail polish shouldn't come off that quickly.
18. My xbox glitches all of the time.
- Why is microsoft inferior to sony?
The answer is within their software and manufacturing.
19. The remote to my cable box only works when it wants to.
- Why doesn't it work all the time?
The answer has to be technology related and I probably wouldn't understand.
20. I had to buy a new fan because my ceiling fan is super slow.
Why is the high setting not getting the job done?
Probably due to it being an old product.

This list was more difficult than I expected. I didn't recognize how many bugs I had in my life. I think this assignment will make me more aware of why things are the way they are and probably open my eye on how to fix things for good. Bugs are constant unless you engineer a way to fix the problem one last time.


  1. Hey Walter loved your bug list, thought it was great fun. I can resonate with the Starbucks issue but in a different way because all the ones in Orlando are closed. Putting toothpaste on the brush is exhausting especially when it falls off and messes up the sink & your girlfriend has the right to complain as that is a very real inconvenience and gel manicures stay on longer but cost a fortune.

  2. Hey Walter,

    I found your bugs to be very relatable, as they also occurred in my life. As a girl, having my nail polish only last two weeks is so irritating, especially with the cost of getting them done being so high. I see a common theme with you bug list along with mine and others: the fact that lines at places such as Starbucks serve as an ongoing bug, as well as the fact that clothing from different brands do not have a universal size. Your very specific bugs show that you put thought into your everyday life to pinpoint what was bothering you. Good job!

  3. Hi Walter,

    I really enjoyed reading about your bug list! Similar to my list, I noticed that a lot of your bugs pertained to technology and the different inconveniences that certain products have imposed on your life. For example, I could definitely relate to your frustration regarding the slowing of your laptop over time. It almost appears as if companies intentionally make their products to fail over time so consumers have to repurchase new ones. As you mentioned, bugs will be continue to exist unless they are fixed---perhaps you could find a solution for more durable computer hardware!
