Monday, May 18, 2020

Assignment 3A

I'd like to start off talking about why I enrolled in ENT3003. I enrolled in this class to get a better understanding of what entrepreneurship is composed of and what skills are needed to be a successful entrepreneur. I could name a few entrepreneurs such as Rob Dyrdek, Tony Robbins and Grant Cardone, but what i'd like to know more about is how they identify opportunity, market needs and how they execute their plan.

I have many entrepreneurs within my family. My uncle currently serves as the president of Comcast NBCUniversal. What makes him an entrepreneur is, he is also an investor. He is part of a team of "sharks" that invest in companies or people who have ideas. He also developed an accelator company that helps other companies get off the ground with their inventions or ideas and get exposure to other investors.

I also have a cousin who is an entrepreneur. His largest source of income is from Amazon automated dropshipping. He developed a team who helps people get their own Amazon automated dropshipping sites up and running. They have thousands of third-party sales every day on Amazon. He is a former bodybuilder, which influenced his decision to start a line of supplements. He has a few other sources of income as well.

I think entrepreneurship is a developed combination of skills and it takes a person with a certain personality and extremely driven mindset to be a successful entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship Can Be Learned | Stanford eCorner

1 comment:

  1. I love how you came into this course full force with a main focus/goal in mind; and I love how you are inspired by these other entrepreneurs who have already clearly made an impact on you. I’d like to say with reading your post I was hoping to read how you’ve used entrepreneurship yourself rather than your family members, but I know it is kind of early to become an entrepreneur and while you’re still learning too. I can see, though, that just how you look to these famous entrepreneurs for inspiration you look to you family members as well.
