Monday, June 15, 2020

Assignment 14A

Tenacity & Paying It Forward

1. This course has given me the opportunity to reflect on a few different skills and behaviors. One of the behaviors that it usually out of my character is working ahead of time to meet deadlines. I have been on a strict schedule with full-time employment and a few summer classes to finish to graduate in August and this has drawn me away from pushing things off to the last minute. This course has also given me the opportunity to use my creativity, which I usually do not give much thought, and how to have an eye for opportunity.

2. There have been a few moments where I wanted to skip an assignment, and I actually skipped one due to exhaustion from work and lack of motivation. My mindset has been "make it to August graduation" and it has really pulled me through and kept my motivation levels high enough to get my assignments done.

3. My three tips would include:

  1. Stay ahead of the schedule - Don't push assignments off.
  2. Put yourself in a real entrepreneur's shoes and see what you can do.
  3. Don't let a rough patch hurt your ability to do other things. 

Graduation Cap Gown Tassel – Schoen Trimming and Cord Company, Inc.


  1. I think the skill everyone is now beginning to use, like you, is working ahead for this course. I loved your tips because I’ve learned them throughout this course, I remember when we first began to learn to put ourselves in an entrepreneur’s shoes. And I’m glad you told the story of your rough patch and how you overcame it.

  2. Hi Walter,

    I also feel that this course has challenged me to stay on top of deadlines, as it has more deliverables than many of my other courses that are more exam structured. Could you elaborate on what you mean by "put yourself in the entrepreneurs shoes"? I feel that this course has challenged me to change my way of thinking and search for opportunities in the market, even if they are temporary rather than only new inventions. Would you agree?

  3. Hi Walter!

    I completely agree with your sentiment that working ahead is crucial for performing well in this course. I also stated in my reflection that time management has been integral in effectively completing the many deliverables assigned each week. As we transition into the second half of the semester, I think it is important to recognize that you are at the final stretch of your collegiate career. I am hoping that you are able to continue persevering through any exhaustion you may face. Thanks for sharing!
