Thursday, June 18, 2020

Assignment 16A

What's Your Secret Sauce?


  1. I have a unique name. 
  2. I can get along with almost any type of person and have a conversation about almost any topic. 
  3. I have had the opportunity to travel and experiences a variety of different cultures including backpacking in Southeast Asia for 26 days.
  4. I have a collegiate baseball background. 
  5. I have great communication skills as well as interpersonal skills.

  1. My girlfriend spends the most time with me than anyone else therefore she knows me the best. She has confirmed my natural ability to communicate both socially and professionally. She believes that this skill will be very beneficial to my future career. 
  2. My roommate, whom I have known for a few years, contributed some of his thoughts to what would be my "secret sauce". He believes that I am extremely outgoing and sociable. 
  3. My other roommate I have known for about two years and we have grown to become good friends. He states that I always bring a positive energy to every environment. 
  4. My mother believes that my determination has largely played a role in my success. 
  5. My older brother thinks that my emotional intelligence is one my greatest qualities. And he has great interpersonal skills.

3. I think that the way that I see myself and the way that others see me are for the most part similar. There are differences in the way that people interpret my confidence. Many have mistaken it for arrogance. I believe that my interviewees are correct about me and they were all along the lines of what I listed for part one and because of this, I would not make any corrections to my original list. 


  1. Great job with this assignment, Walter! What I most admire about your list of traits is your ability to get along with most people and to be able to hold a conversation about anything. That is such a hard thing to be good at and such a great skill to have. Through interacting with your blog during the first half of the course, your confidence and determination definitely shines through your work.

  2. Hi Walter,

    I enjoyed hearing how those who know you best describe your important traits. It seems that everyone know knows you comments on your communication skills, predominantly on your ability to hold a conversation with anyone. I believe that this skill is wildly useful for anyone in career, but specifically an entrepreneurial role that requires you to gain other's trust and confidence.

  3. Hi Walter!

    I love how you mentioned cultural competence as being one of the traits that make you different from others. This is an especially important trait in our increasingly diverse work and social environments. Having cultural competence allows you to more effectively understand and communicate with individuals from all facets of life. Overall, I think you have a strong and accurate assessment of what your secret sauce is!
