Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Assignment 18A

Create a Customer Avatar

For my business concept, my prototypical customer can vary hugely. I decided to create a professional looking avatar who looks like he has a profitable business idea. My avatar is a all-business kind of person just looking for a helping hand to get his business off the ground. I feel like my customer would drive a tesla, be extremely technologically knowledgeable and prefer to read books rather than socialize on the weekends. He is single with no children and around the age of 24.

I have a few things in common with my prototypical customer, such as professional skills and basic sociable skills. The things the avatar and I have in common are coincidental because I really did not know what my vision was for my avatar and put him together without intentionally thinking the client would look like him.

My Blue Robot Avatar


  1. Hi Walter!

    To be honest I struggled and felt the same as you when I started my avatar, however I found someone in real life to base the assignment off. I really like your avatar however, he looks like everything, he really could be anyone. However I do find the blue lips funny, he looks like he's suffocating lol. But I understand how it hard to pin point a exact consumer. Good Work!

  2. I wish you put more into your avatar, work and home life, like special interests your avatar has or how he interacts with coworkers at work, maybe even describe physical appearance. I also wish you put some pictures for this assignment so we could see what your avatar looks like or why he finds these things so interesting based on appeal.

  3. Hi Walter,

    I definitely could relate to the initial difficulty of not knowing what your avatar ought to look like. For me, personally, I had trouble with this because I did not want to limit or confine my potential customer base according to a certain prototype. Ideally, I would hope that anyone could be a willing a customer for my product. This may have been a similar thought process that was hindering your ability to pinpoint a specific avatar.
