Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Assignment 27A

Reading Reflection No. 3

In the book Cognitive Surplus, written by Clay Shirky, Clay argues there are many more profitable, effective and useful ways to spend our time. For example, as Americans, Shirky outlines that amount of television that we watch on average, which is an astounding amount. Shirky shows that if all Americans reduced the amount of television we watch on average by one hour, we could accomplish the equivalent of 200 billion hours allocated toward learning something, developing a product, technology, or other things.

The book is in sync with what we learn in the class because entrepreneurs are expected to make effective use of their time. I know a lot of successful people, and I can confidently say the one thing they all have in common is they make great use of their time, down to every minute of the day.

I would design an assignment that is made to challenge every student. I would challenge them with the tasks of productive time management and ask them to reflect on what they have done differently and reflect on their level of productivity.

This book met many of my expectations. It talks about many of the things we have discussed in class including expanding social capital. Shirky realizes that entrepreneurs have to create a desire to fulfill their inner needs without being incentivized. The discussion is around the idea of what humans are capable of when they invest in their own learning.


  1. Hi Walter,
    This is an interesting concept! This is alarmingly applicable to my life, as I see evidence of this wasted time in many of my peers lives as well as my own. It is interesting to think about the large scale of this wasted time and how it impacts the world as a whole. This seems to place the burden of productivity on the individual, seeing that there is not an overarching emphasis on it in society. Instead, we push apps and subscriptions that waste time and money. Great analysis!

  2. Hi Walter!

    I really enjoyed your reading reflection. The concept of time management is really crucial for any profession, but can be especially applicable to aspiring entrepreneurs. I was amazed by the remark you made regarding how much time Americans allocate to watching television. I think the other common trend nowadays is how much time individuals spend on their smartphones. I believe that setting restrictions on leisure activities like that can allow you to dedicate more time to developing a craft or a business venture.
